This grant opportunity is available to backyard beekeepers, schools, and community organizations that strive to support their local environment through beekeeping, build community or increase diversity in agriculture and/or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Awardees will be required to write a blog quarterly sharing the progress of their projects and how they are creating green-minded generations by focusing on the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), supporting local communities, and increasing diversity in agriculture.
Farnell Electronics is committed to supporting international charitable organizations and initiatives, as well as smaller local charities that make a great impact on local communities. From supporting global educational projects for children to supporting local beekeepers and protecting the bee population, they have taken steps to drive positive impact. Farnell is launching a global quest to save the bee population across the world and is aiming to save 3,000,000 bees in the next 12 months.
Grant Eligibility
Applications must address one or more of the focus areas below through beekeeping:
Provide education to students about bees
Support communities and the local environment
Increase diversity in agriculture and technology fields
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until September 2023. Late submissions will not be considered.
Our review committee will carefully evaluate each application based on its alignment with our mission, feasibility, meaningful impact, and the capacity of the organization to execute the proposed project successfully.