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Beeyond HarvestED Digital Toolkits

Beeyond HarvestED Digital Toolkits

Planet Bee's Beeyond HarvestED DIGITAL TOOKKITS include engaging presentations, writing prompts, videos, STEAM activities, and hands-on experiments both in and outside the classroom. Each unit can be flexibly taught in chunks over a few days or weeks, but the real magic happens when students take time to apply what they learn through hands-on extension activities and experiments. While some are quick, others span a few weeks, giving students a chance to observe natural systems in action.

Unit 1: Soil Science 

Unit 2: Decomposition and Compost

Unit 3: Native Bee and Garden Invertebrates 

Unit 4: Plant Life Cycle

Unit 5: Food Sustainability

Beeyond HarvestED Digital Toolkits


Beeyond HarvestED Digital Toolkits

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